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SoftProbe Remote Debugger

Systems & Software, Inc.

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Embedded Intel Architecture DX4
Software Debug Tool
11/12/96 12:36:00 PM

Vendor Information

Tool Description:

SoftProbe Remote Debugger is a Windows-hosted Source-Level Debugger for embedded development. A Remote Debugger allows for the downloading of a program from the host PC and debugging on the actual target system.
The Target Monitor controls program execution on the target. The Target Monitor communicates with the host via a RS-232 serial port.
This tool provides source-level and symbolic debugging for C and Assembly. Support for debugging C++ applications is provided at source-level with mangled C++ symbols. Among others, the debugger provides the following features and views: Code Window - Shows code in source, disassembler and mixed modes; Breakpoint Window - Defines breakpoints based on symbolic addresses; System Level Views - GDT, IDT, LDT, TSS and 386/387 Registers; Memory Window - Shows memory in a variety of forms; Watch Window - Allows the user to view and edit symbols; Call Stack Window - Shows the active chain of function calls; Locals Window - Shows the active local variables; I/O Watch Window - Allows the user to read/write to any I/O port; and Symbol Browser Window - Allows the user to browse symbols, set breakpoints, add program variables to the Watch Window.
SoftProbe Remote Debugger connects to the target via a RS-232 serial port. It is the Target Monitor Program that actually controls program execution on the target and communicates with the debugger on the host system.
SoftProbe Remote Debugger includes a number of pre-configured target monitors for 386/486/Pentium development boards. Assembly source code for target-dependent modules, link files, makefiles, and step-by-step instructions are included for customizing the Target Monitor to suit the needs of you target system. The Target Monitor supports auto-start ROM-based applications.

Tool Features:

  • Windows NT, 95 and 3.x Hosted

  • Real- and Protected-Mode Debugging

  • OMF Format Support

  • Source and Symbolic Debugging for C/C++

  • Extensive System-Level and I/O Views

  • Development Platform(s):

    Windows 3.x running Win 32S, Windows NT, Windows '95

    File Attachments:

    IA2_SS3.PDF - SolutionsIA Catalog Product Listing

    Supported Device Detail Matrix:

    Part & Package


    80486DX4 - 168ldPGA


    Vendor Information:

    Systems & Software, Inc.

    18012 Cowan, Suite #100
    Irvine , CA 92614
    (714) 833-1700

    Tech : (714) 833-1700
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    Fax : (714) 833-1900
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    BBS : (714) 833-8152
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